"canaries" in German

Detailed translations for "canaries"


Kanaren{masculine plural}
The Canaries are islands. It would be a very odd bus.
Von den Kanaren müsste das ein besonderer Bus gewesen sein.


Kanarienvögel{masculine plural}
The yellow canaries , however, believed a better lesson Might have been the risks of environmental
Die gelben Kanarienvögel glaubten jedoch,... dass eine bessere Lektion die Risiken von Umwelt
Um, so you guys are actually in a sense the canaries in the coal mine.
Ihr seid quasi die Kanarienvögel in der Kohlengrube.

English synonyms for "canaries"

Canaries {n}
canaries {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.