Detailed translations for "canine units"

canine units

canine units(also: police canine units, K9 units)
Polizeihundestaffeln{masculine plural}
canine units(also: police canine units, K9 units)
Diensthundestaffeln{masculine plural}
canine units(also: police canine units, K9 units)
Hundestaffeln{masculine plural}
The canine units don't bark when there's a bomb, Mr. President.
Die Hundestaffeln bellen nicht, wenn eine Bombe da ist, Mr. President.
Well, we got canine units combing the area.
canine units(also: police canine units, K9 units)
Diensthundeeinheiten{masculine plural}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.