Detailed translations for "career prospects"

career prospects

career prospects(also: career outlook, occupational outlook)
Karrieremöglichkeiten{masculine plural}
career prospects(also: career outlook, occupational outlook)
Karriereaussichten{masculine plural}
All right, keep an eye out for rent-a-cops, 'cause it wouldn't do my career prospects too much
And when they do and the bureaucrats decide that the loss of innocent lives trumps their career
ihre Karriereaussichten schrumpfen lassen, dann ruf mich bitte wieder an.
My career prospects are limited now.
Meine Berufsaussichten sind jetzt begrenzt.
career prospects(also: career outlook, occupational outlook)
Laufbahnaussichten{masculine plural}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.