"celebration of god s appearance" in German celebration of God's appearance Dreikönigsfest Dreikönigstag Heilig-Dreikönige Fest der Erscheinung des Herrn Epiphanie Epiphanias Detailed translations for "celebration of god s appearance" celebration of God's appearance celebration of God's appearance(also: Epiphany) das Dreikönigsfest{neuter} celebration of God's appearance(also: Epiphany) der Dreikönigstag{masculine} celebration of God's appearance(also: Epiphany) Heilig-Dreikönige celebration of God's appearance(also: Epiphany) Fest der Erscheinung des Herrn celebration of God's appearance(also: Epiphany) die Epiphanie{feminine} celebration of God's appearance(also: Epiphany) das Epiphanias{neuter}