"cheeks" in German

Detailed translations for "cheeks"


cheeks(also: jowls)
Wangen{masculine plural}
Only these kriss kringles came without white whiskers and rosy cheeks and twinkling eyes.
Nur kamen diese Christkinder ohne weiße Bärte, rosige Wangen und ohne zwinkernde Augen.
Her hair would be blue, her cheeks light green, but of course her eyebrows would rhyme with her
Lhr Haar würde blau werden, ihre Wangen hellgrün. Lhre Augenbrauen würden mit ihren Ohren
cheeks(also: jaws)
Backen{masculine plural}
The only way he could turn any more cheeks is by pulling down his pants.
Der einzige Weg, noch mehr Backen hinzuhalten, wäre seine Hose runterzulassen.
If you can still talk, it means you haven't stuffed your cheeks yet!
Wenn du noch reden kannst, sind deine Backen noch nicht voll!

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.