"chemist s" in German

Detailed translations for "chemist s"


chemist's(also: chemist's shop, drugstore)
die Drogerie{feminine}
And next thing I knew, I was in the chemist's with my hand around a bottle of Empress Waving
Ich lauf in die Drogerie und kauf mir ein Fläschchen von dieser Dauerwellenmixtur.
She also helped to convict the woman at the chemist's in 1961 And a year later, she gave police
1961 half sie bei der Verurteilung der Frau in der Drogerie mit... und ein Jahr darauf lieferte sie
chemist's(also: chemist's shop, drugstore)
der Drogeriemarkt{masculine}

English synonyms for "chemist s"

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.