"chest hair" in German

Detailed translations for "chest hair"

chest hair

chest hair
das Brusthaar{neuter}
Hey, guys, let's play with our chest hair and eat potato chips.
Hey, Jungs, spielen wir mit dem Brusthaar und essen Kartoffelchips.
I do not feel good about chest hair showing.
Ich fühle mich nicht wohl, Brusthaar zu zeigen.
chest hair
Brusthaare{masculine plural}
I didn't shave the Mets logo into my chest hair just for you to enjoy. It's for everyone.
Ich hab mir das Mets-Logo nicht nur für dich in die Brusthaare rasiert.
Trust me, chest hair is making a big comeback.
Glaub mir, Brusthaare sind wieder groß im Kommen.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.