"christendom" in German

Detailed translations for "christendom"


das Christentum{neuter}
Surely we have a duty still to act in the interests of Christendom whatever the cost.
Wir haben nach wie vor die Pflicht, das Christentum zu verteidigen... koste es, was es wolle.
While I'm loath to discredit any man of the cloth, he's the biggest snake in Christendom since the
Christentum seit derjenigen, die Eva gebissen hat.
die Christenheit{feminine}
But my goal was not to save Christendom or my father. You acted on behalf of Holy Mother Church.
Mein Ziel war aber nicht, dadurch die Christenheit oder meinen Vater zu retten.
France wants Naples. Spain wants Naples. The whole of Christendom wants the New World.
Frankreich will Neapel, Spanien will Neapel, die ganze Christenheit will die Neue Welt.

English synonyms for "christendom"

Christendom {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.