Detailed translations for "classrooms"


classrooms(also: class-rooms)
Klassenzimmer{masculine plural}
So, the cafeteria's back that way, and most of the classrooms are this way down the...
Die Cafeteria ist dort, und die Klassenzimmer sind...
"Teachers who give private lessons in their classrooms "must pay the administration 10% of their
"Ein Lehrer, der im Klassenzimmer Privatunterricht erteilt, muss der Direktion 10% der Einnahmen
classrooms(also: class-rooms)
Klassenräume{masculine plural}
Up here are the classrooms for the lecture courses.
Da oben sind die Klassenräume für die Kollegstufe.
classrooms(also: class-rooms)
Unterrichtsräume{masculine plural}
Schulzimmer{masculine plural}
classrooms(also: course rooms)
Kursräume{masculine plural}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.