Detailed translations for "cobbler"


1. old-fashioned

der Flickschuster{masculine}
If this was Dickens' day, they'd all have been sold to a cobbler by now.
Wäre heute Dickens-Tag, hätte ich sie alle an den Flickschuster verkauft.
- Does Kirk know what a cobbler is?
cobbler(also: shoemaker, bootmaker)
der Schuster{masculine}
Maggie Dell, Jana Krupp, the Kupferschmidt girl above the cobbler on Ludlow.
Maggie Dell. Jana Krupp. Das Kupferschmidt-Mädchen über dem Schuster auf der Ludlow.
Why is it a matter of life and death to have a cobbler right now?
Warum muss jetzt unbedingt ein Schuster her?

2. gastronomy


English synonyms for "cobbler"

cobbler {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.