Detailed translations for "college students"

college students

college students
College-Studenten{masculine plural}
I tried the tenure track, but college students are already too culturally informed.
Highschool. College-Studenten sind schon zu kenntnisreich.
Now, where do you think that a bunch of college students would get that balmy idea, eh?
Nun, woher glaubst du, haben ein paar College-Studenten so eine bescheuerte Idee?
college students(also: college girls)
College-Studentinnen{masculine plural}
college students
Collegestudenten{masculine plural}
Commissioner, some might say that these were just college students who were out to protest tuition
Commissioner, manche könnten sagen, dass es nur Collegestudenten waren, welche gegen die
Lieutenant, our prepaid inventory is there for young people... college students and such, people
Lieutenant, unser Produkt richtet sich an junge Menschen,... Collegestudenten und so weiter, die

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.