"competitors" in German

Detailed translations for "competitors"


competitors(also: rivals)
Konkurrenten{masculine plural}
Just because we're competitors doesn't mean... that we can't appreciate the competition.
Auch wenn wir Konkurrenten sind, können wir einander schätzen.
Some of the other competitors have literally laughed behind their hands at what we're doing.
Einige Konkurrenten haben hinter vorgehaltener Hand über uns gelacht.
Wettkämpfer{masculine plural}
And all obstacles are worth 30 points, and, remember, only the top two competitors will be moving
Alle Hindernisse sind 30 Punkte wert und nur die besten beiden Wettkämpfer kommen weiter.
There's guys from all over. Are any of these other competitors from Texas, like you?
Ist einer der anderen Wettkämpfer aus Texas, so wie du?

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.