"conferences" in German

Detailed translations for "conferences"


Konferenzen{masculine plural}
International conferences are good cover for run-of-the-mill diplomatic spooks and black-bag
Internationale Konferenzen sind eine gute Tarnung für gewöhnliche diplomatische Spione und
He was in Moscow recently for conferences and flew to New York as head of the Cuban delegation to
Er war wegen Konferenzen in Moskau und leitete die kubanische UN-Delegation in New York.
conferences(also: symposiums)
Fachtagungen{masculine plural}
This is a tough place if you count medical conferences as a vacation.
Wow! Ich wusste nicht, dass Fachtagungen als Urlaub zählen.
conferences(also: congresses, sessions, meetings)
Tagungen{masculine plural}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.