"copywriters" in German

Detailed translations for "copywriters"


copywriters(also: ad writers)
Marketingtexter{masculine plural}
copywriters(also: ad writers, ad men, advertising men)
Werbetexter{masculine plural}
I'll need the copywriters and Sal in here to get me up to speed.
Ich brauche die Werbetexter und Sal hier, um mich auf den neusten Stand zu bringen.
copywriters(also: ad writers)
Texter{masculine plural}
I know the copywriters tell the Art Department what to do, and I know the account executives tell
Ich weiß, dass die Texter der Kunstabteilung sagen, was sie zu tun haben. Und ich weiß, dass die
The copywriters are beautiful.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.