"cotton wool" in German

Detailed translations for "cotton wool"

cotton wool

1. general

cotton wool(also: cotton wadding, cotton wad)
die Baumwollwatte{feminine}

2. textiles

die Watte{feminine}
Mrs. Monteith get him some cotton wool and some hot water as quickly as you can.
Mrs. Monteith, holen Sie Watte und heißes Wasser, so schnell Sie können.
Do you know why? It suits me. Because 90% of the people I come into contact with have cotton wool
Denn 90% der Leute, mit denen ich Kontakt habe, haben Watte im Mund.
die Baumwollwatte{feminine}

English synonyms for "cotton wool"

cotton wool {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.