Detailed translations for "decoding"


decoding(also: decryption)
die Dekodierung{feminine}
I'm going to see if they've made any progress decoding the crystal.
Ich schau dann mal, wie es mit der Dekodierung des Kristalls steht.
decoding(also: decryption, deciphering)
die Entschlüsselung{feminine}
Take it to the decoding room. Ask them to send it back soon. Yes, sir.
Zur Entschlüsselung bringen und so schnell wie möglich bearbeiten.
How much can you tell us about it by decoding its DNA?
Was verrät uns die Entschlüsselung seiner DNS?
decoding(also: decryption, deciphering)
die Dechiffrierung{feminine}
Paul Revere engraved the key to decoding the manuscript the word "Cicero, " in the back of the
Raul Revere... gravierte den Schlüssel zur Dechiffrierung des Manuskripts... das Wort "Cicero", auf

English synonyms for "decoding"

decoding {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.