Detailed translations for "dermatologist"


der Hautarzt{masculine}
We called every dermatologist in Manhattan... to see if there was a connection.
Wir riefen jeden Hautarzt in Manhattan an, um eine Verbindung herzustellen.
Last week, you saw a dermatologist for a reoccurring case of athlete's foot.
Letzte Woche gingen Sie zu einem Hautarzt wegen eines wiederkehrenden Fußpilzes.
die Hautärztin{feminine}
der Dermatologe{masculine}
Like, taxis become Uber, or books become E-readers, or going to the dermatologist becomes Rashy.
Taxen werden zu Uber. Bücher werden zu E-Readern. Der Dermatologe wird "Jucki".
Two years ago, your dermatologist called and asked about a Q-switched laser.
Vor zwei Jahren rief dein Dermatologe an. Es ging um einen Q-Switch.
die Dermatologin{feminine}

English synonyms for "dermatologist"

dermatologist {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.