Detailed translations for "desecrated"


desecrated(also: desecrates)
The building that houses our kitchens cannot be desecrated by your presence.
Unsere Küche darf durch Sie nicht entweiht werden.
Inform him... inform him that the eagle of Rome has been torn down and desecrated by a Jerusalem
Teilt ihm mit... der römische Adler sei heruntergerissen und entweiht worden, vom Pöbel in
desecrated(also: profaned)
I desecrated his grave to save it from the Ottos and their fortune hunters.
Ich entweihte sein Grab, um es vor den Ottos und Glücksjägern zu schützen.
So when you ask me would I be upset if someone desecrated it - land that's part of the town that I
Fragen Sie mich also, ob es mir was ausmachen würde, wenn jemand es entweihte - Land, das Teil der

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.