"droughts" in German

Detailed translations for "droughts"


droughts(also: aridities)
Dürren{masculine plural}
Some scientists think that great droughts and earthquakes turned the whole world into a gigantic
Einige Wissenschaftler denken, dass schlimme Dürren und Erdbeben die ganze Welt in ein gigantisches
Some of the risks were ozone depletion, droughts in Africa and Asia.
Einige der genannten Risiken waren Ozonloch, Dürren in Afrika und Asien.
Dürreperioden{masculine plural}
But there have always been droughts and natural disasters, and people always look for a scapegoat.
Aber Dürreperioden und Naturkatastrophen gab es schon immer. Die Leute suchen einen Sündenbock.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.