"envy" in German

Detailed translations for "envy"


der Neid{masculine}
David, I often felt a sort of envy of humans of that thing they called spirit.
David, ich habe die Menschen oft mit einer Art Neid betrachtet. Neid auf das, was sie Seele
Rarely have I come across such bitterness, such envy and contempt of others, such haughtiness
Selten begegnete ich solcher Verbitterung, solchem Neid und solcher Abscheu gegenüber anderen,
envy(also: jealousy)
die Missgunst{feminine}
I would ask you to put aside envy and resentment and find What vve have found for yourselves.
Euch bitte ich, Neid und Missgunst zu vergessen, Schwestern. Und selbst zu finden, was wir gefunden
there would be no envy in the world and, therefore, less provocation of war.
dann gäbe es keine Missgunst und die Gefahr eines Krieges wäre gemindert.

English synonyms for "envy"

envy {n}
envy {v}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.