"eunuch" in German

"eunuch" German translation

Detailed translations for "eunuch"


der Eunuch{masculine}
I've became a eunuch because it was only way a man without manhood can succeed.
Eunuch am königlichen Hof zu werden, war meine einzige Möglichkeit, Sire.
The eunuch in charge of weaving has made ten thousand flowers for her.
Der Eunuch von der Stickerei hat zehntausend für sie gestickt.
der Eunuche{masculine}
What's left for a eunuch like me if I leave the palace?
Was hat eine Eunuche wie ich, wenn er den Palast verlässt?
I, a eunuch in the landscape of despair.
Ich, ein Eunuche in einer Landschaft der Verzweiflung.
der Kastrat{masculine}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.