"experimented" in German

Detailed translations for "experimented"


experimented(also: experiments)
- Thomas. - And furthermore, he's experimented with and endorsed the use of illegal
Und außerdem experimentiert er mit illegalen Drogen und fördert den Umgang damit.
I've been to the top secret facility where Renautas has captured, experimented on, and murdered
In the 1960s, the government experimented with various substances to enhance interrogations.
In den Sechzigern experimentierte die Regierung mit verschiedenen Substanzen, um Verhöre zu
During her darkest days, she experimented with brush-loading techniques to add texture to the
In ihren düstersten Zeiten experimentierte sie mit Impasto-Techniken, um der Leinwand Struktur zu

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.