"experiments" in German

Detailed translations for "experiments"


Experimente{masculine plural}
Well, Inspector... We have traced these experiments in telekinesis and mental powers.
Nun Inspektor, hier einige Experimente über Telekinese.
Well, actually, we're conducting the same kind of experiments as Professor Otto Von Tillermaan.
Wir führen die gleichen Experimente durch wie Otto von Tillermaan.
experiments(also: experimented)
This is the building where Mirando experiments on their genetically mutated animals.
Hier experimentiert Mirando an ihren genmanipulierten Tieren herum.
The innocents that were chosen for serum experiments were specifically targeted.
Die Unschuldigen, an denen bisher mit dem Serum experimentiert wurde, wurden doch immer extra

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.