Detailed translations for "faculties"


faculties(also: facilities, aptitudes, abilities, gifts)
Begabungen{masculine plural}
Fähigkeiten{masculine plural}
If he's as sick as we think, it's likely his mental faculties are impaired.
Womöglich sind seine geistigen Fähigkeiten betroffen.
My master trusted Aristotle, the Greek philosophers and the faculties of his own remarkable,
Mein Meister vertraute Aristoteles, dem griechischen Philosophen und den Fähigkeiten seines eigenen
faculties(also: departments, schools)
Fachbereiche{masculine plural}
Then Jack reminded me that it's you, Elspeth, who are in charge of all the faculties around here.
Jack wies mich darauf hin, dass du, Elspeth, für die Fachbereiche zuständig bist.
faculties(also: departments)
Fakultäten{masculine plural}
I want the opinion of their theological faculties as soon as possible.
Ich will die Meinung der theologischen Fakultäten so schnell als möglich.
three weeks at the faculties of Urban Planning and Fine Arts.
drei Wochen an den Fakultäten für Städtebau und Bildende Kunst.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.