"fatally" in German

Detailed translations for "fatally"


fatally(also: badly, wickedly, sorely)
fatally(also: mortally)
He remained in full view of the enemy in order to rescue his batman who had fallen fatally wounded.
Er war voll sichtbar für den Feind, weil er seinen Offizier retten wollte, der tödlich getroffen
Yvette Delys was fatally stabbed and the killer got away, leaving your knife in the wound.
Yvette Delys war tödlich verletzt. Der Mörder floh und ließ Ihren Dolch in der Wunde stecken.
And he's just been fatally startled.
Und er wurde gerade verhängnisvoll erschreckt.
Her timing was fatally flawed.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.