"filipino" in German

"filipino" German translation

Detailed translations for "filipino"


1. sociology

der Filipino{masculine}
A transgender Filipino comes and sees the helpless turtle baking in the sun.
Ein transgender Filipino sieht die Schildköte so in der Sonne liegen.
Just Filipino kids who worked their fingers bloody for 1 2 cents an hour.
Nur Kinder, die Filipino gearbeitet ihre Finger blutig Für 12 Cent pro Stunde.
der Philippiner{masculine}

2. linguistics

das Phillipinisch{neuter}
das Filipino{neuter}
One day, Gina was having sex with this Filipino guy Melo...
Eines Tages hatte Gina Sex mit diesem Filipino Melo.
Oh, yeah, she's always causing trouble in a Filipino town.
Oh, ja, die sorgt immer für Ärger in Filipino Town.

3. geography

Filipino(also: Philippine)

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.