"firewall" in German

"firewall" German translation

Detailed translations for "firewall"


1. aviation

das Brandschott{neuter}

2. construction, wall designed to inhibit the spread of fire

die Brandschutzmauer{feminine}
die Feuermauer{feminine}
If we set up thermal-deflector units along the northern perimeter, we could create a firewall to
Wenn wir einige Deflektor-Einheiten am Nord-Perimeter aufstellen, könnten wir eine Feuermauer

3. computing

die Firewall{feminine}
Wait. The firewall is biometrically linked to Ulrich. You have to get him down there to disable it.
Nur Ulrich selber kann die Firewall deaktivieren.
I'm afraid there's a firewall around his other corporate holdings, so we have no other information.
Die Firewall um seine Holdings verhindert weitere Informationen.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.