Detailed translations for "football players"

football players

football players(also: kickers)
Fußballspieler{masculine plural}
football players(also: kickers)
Fußballspielerinnen{masculine plural}
football players(also: kickers)
Fußballer{masculine plural}
And I know that they even see football players from the third league off.
Und ich weiß, dass man sogar einen Fußballer aus der 3. Liga verabschiedet.
football players(also: kickers)
Fußballerinnen{masculine plural}
football players(also: kickers)
Kicker{masculine plural}
football players(also: kickers)
Ballesterer{masculine plural}
football players(also: kickers)
Tschütteler{masculine plural}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.