Detailed translations for "kickers"


kickers(also: football players)
Fußballspieler{masculine plural}
kickers(also: football players)
Fußballspielerinnen{masculine plural}
kickers(also: football players)
Fußballer{masculine plural}
kickers(also: football players)
Fußballerinnen{masculine plural}
kickers(also: football players)
Kicker{masculine plural}
All right, I want to see all the kickers trying out on the field right now.
Alles klar, ich möchte alle Kicker sehen wie sie auf dem Platz üben.
No, no, no, kickers don't get tackled.
kickers(also: football players)
Ballesterer{masculine plural}
kickers(also: football players)
Tschütteler{masculine plural}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.