Detailed translations for "growth rate"

growth rate

1. biology

growth rate(also: rate of growth)

2. other

growth rate(also: rate of growth, rate of increase)
die Wachstumsrate{feminine}
Like us, they appear to have a population growth rate that's unsustainable.
Wie bei uns, scheint die Wachstumsrate ihrer Bevölkerung unaufhaltsam zu steigen.
We still can't compare the field's growth rate to the first experiment.
Das sagt uns nichts über die Wachstumsrate des Feldes.
growth rate(also: rate of growth, rate of increase)
die Steigerungsrate{feminine}
growth rate(also: rate of growth)
die Zuwachsrate{feminine}

English synonyms for "growth rate"

growth rate {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.