Detailed translations for "rate of growth"

rate of growth

1. biology

rate of growth(also: growth rate)

2. other

rate of growth(also: growth rate, rate of increase)
die Wachstumsrate{feminine}
The current rate of growth of the city is most pleasing.
Die Hauptstadt ist mit der jetzigen Wachstumsrate hoch zufrieden.
Now, if my math is right, which it always is, your current rate of growth puts your next year cash
Wenn ich richtig gerechnet habe, was ich immer tue, dann wird deine Wachstumsrate deine
rate of growth(also: growth rate, rate of increase)
die Steigerungsrate{feminine}
rate of growth(also: growth rate)
die Zuwachsrate{feminine}

English synonyms for "rate of growth"

rate of growth {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.