English-German dictionary - Letter "H" - Page 113 to have a pair of brass ballsto have a paper routeto have a partyto have a passing acquaintanceto have a passion for sth.to have a past to contend withto have a percentage share in the profitsto have a phantom/false pregnancyto have a picnicto have a pile of things to doto have a pillow fightto have a piston seizureto have a place where one can do as one likesto have a Pollyanna viewto have a positive appearanceto have a positive appearance and attitudeto have a positive/negativ influence on sth.to have a postal voteto have a prangto have a prejudice against sth.to have a prejudicial effect on sth.to have a presentimentto have a prima facie caseto have a proper breakfastto have a proprietary interest in sth.to have a question for sb.to have a quick glance at sth.to have a quorumto have a raceto have a race with sb.to have a rave-upto have a ready tongueto have a real go at each otherto have a reasonable chanceto have a red castto have a relapseto have a reputation for ...to have a restto have a resultto have a retentive memoryto have a ride on the merry-go-roundto have a right to resideto have a rollicking good timeto have a romp with your secretaryto have a rudimentary knowledge of sth.to have a rummage in/through the drawerto have a run-in with sb.to have a Saxon accentto have a say in sth.to have a screw looseto have a second sightto have a secret understanding with sb.to have a semi-rural character/feelto have a senior momentto have a sense of achievementto have a sense of humour/humorto have a share/interest in the profitsto have a sharp tongueto have a shelf lifeto have a shoeshineto have a short attention span to have a showerto have a shuffling gaitto have a shvitz in the saunato have a similar meaningto have a sixth senseto have a skeleton in the cupboard / closetto have a slipto have a small handwritingto have a snackto have a snoozeto have a snowball fightto have a sore throatto have a speech impedimentto have a spin to the left/rightto have a splendid timeto have a spreeto have a stab at. sth.to have a stable family backgroundto have a straightforward approach to a problemto have a strange effectto have a stroke of luckto have a strong desireto have a strong opinion about sth.to have a stropto have a sudden inspirationto have a sunny dispositionto have a Swabian accentto have a sweet toothto have a talent for drawingto have a talent for organizationto have a talent for versifyingto have a talk with sb.to have a talk with sb. about sth.to have a temporary position/jobto have a tenacious memoryto have a tendency towards depressionto have a tender/bid acceptedto have a terminal illnessto have a thick skinto have a thin skinto have a thinkto have a tiltto have a time advantageto have a tin ear for sth.to have a titleto have a tough jobto have a try at sth.to have a waif-like appearanceto have a wanton imaginationto have a warped sense of humorto have a washto have a whale of a timeto have a whingeto have a whip roundto have a wide reachto have a wide-ranging knowledgeto have a wife and childrento have a will of one's ownto have a world careerto have access to sth.to have aching/sore/stiff muscles