"hardware" in German

"hardware" German translation

Detailed translations for "hardware"


hardware(also: ironmongery, ironware)
Eisenwaren{masculine plural}
It's not every day a... Nelson breaks from the ranks of hardware and cured meats.
Passiert nicht jeden Tag, dass sich ein Nelson über Eisenwaren und Räucherfleisch erhebt.
30 years in the hardware department at the Grand Bazar and that's it.
30 Jahre in Eisenwaren im Grand Bazar und das war's.
Haushaltwaren{masculine plural}
die Gerätetechnik{feminine}
die Hardware{feminine}
You think Cameron's OS slowed things down? We don't even have hardware that's capable of doing...
The prospectus you've been given by the board details... our projected hardware and construction
Der Prospekt des Vorstandes enthält Details... über Hardware und Baukosten.
Computer-Teile{masculine plural}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.