"hated" in German

Detailed translations for "hated"


And some hated him... as they had always hated those who intruded upon the soil of Japan.
Und manche hassten ihn, wie sie immer alle gehasst hatten, die die Erde Japans betraten.
If you hated the meat business so much for 20 years... Then I'm sorry, but stop blaming me.
Wenn du die Fleischbranche so gehasst hast, tut es mir Leid.
She read the book. She knew how much Crandall hated that place, what went on there.
Sie las das Buch und wusste, wie verhasst Crandall der Laden war.
Do you know of anyone who, hmm, how to put this, hated Senator Farr enough to kill him?
Father hated you and took revenge on all of us... by willing everything to this American.
Vater hat dich gehasst und deswegen hat er alles diesem Amerikaner vermacht.
Because you never understood. You never understood how much I hated that terrib/e farm.
Ihr habt nie verstanden, wie sehr ich das Leben auf dem Hof gehasst habe.

English synonyms for "hated"

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.