"immigrant" in German

"immigrant" German translation

Detailed translations for "immigrant"


der Einwanderer{masculine}
If you're a minority, or worse, an immigrant from an Arab country, civil rights don't apply at all.
Für Einwanderer aus arabischen Ländern oder Minderheiten gelten Bürgerrechte nicht.
We need to reaffirm our commitment to highly skilled, legal immigrant workers.
Wir müssen reagieren und unsere Zusagen an legale Einwanderer bekräftigen.
der Zuwanderer{masculine}
Except here, a bunch of good capitalists ran in for cheap leases, tax incentives, immigrant labor,
der Zugewanderter{masculine}
Not an immigrant like us.
der Immigrant{masculine}
And just like Moses went down the nile and he landed on Earth as an immigrant and was adopted.
So wie Moses den Nil hinuntertrieb, kam er als Immigrant auf die Erde und wurde adoptiert.
- Okay. - Chinese immigrant wanders the land.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.