"insured" in German

Detailed translations for "insured"


My company, Sterling Bosch, insured a hundred million in non-government Japanese bearer bonds.
- Meine Firma, Sterling Bosch, versichert hundert Millionen von nicht staatlichen
- Well, I guess you know that Mr. Sturdevant's entire collection is insured by your company.
- Sie wissen sicher, dass Mr. Sturdevant seine gesamte Sammlung versichert hatte.
Now, it's my understanding when insured merchandise is stolen... the insurance company has an
Wenn versicherte Ware gestohlen wird, müssen Sie zahlen.
They were diseased worth more as dead insured merchandise, than as alive spoiled goods.
Sie waren krank... und als tote versicherte Ware mehr wert als lebende verdorbene Ware.

English synonyms for "insured"

insured {n}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.