Detailed translations for "jars"


jars(also: flagons, tankards, pots, jugs)
Krüge{masculine plural}
They made vessels out of the earth jars and pitchers by the skill of their hands.
Und sie machten Gefäße aus Erde. Töpfe und Krüge mit dem Geschick ihrer Hände.
We took the jars down to the bridge where the car went in the water that first night.
Wir... brachten die Krüge runter zu der Brücke, wo das Auto in der ersten Nacht ins Wasser fiel.
Steintöpfe{masculine plural}
jars(also: creaks)
jars(also: squeaks)
jars(also: rattles, clashes)

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.