Detailed translations for "joint venture"

joint venture

joint venture
das Jointventure{neuter}
They sent you here to sabotage the relay because if the first joint venture between Cardassia and
Sie sollten das Relais sabotieren, denn, wenn das erste Jointventure zwischen Cardassia und Bajor
joint venture
das Joint Venture{neuter}
We're entering into a joint venture with Sunrise Handicrafts... To develop this valuable piece of
Wir beginnen ein Joint Venture mit der Manufaktur Sonnenaufgang, um dieses schöne Stück Land weiter
This joint venture was your idea, and the consultants love it.
Dieses Joint Venture war Ihre Idee und die Berater lieben es.
joint venture
joint venture

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.