English-German dictionary - Letter "L" - Page 92 lovemakingloverlover of the artsLoveridge's sunbirdloverslovers of the artslovers' trystloves-in-a-mistlovesicklovesicknesslovestrucklovey-doveylovingloving onlovinglylovingnesslowlow altitude polar orbiting satellitelow anglelow angle /LA/low angle planelow angle planeslow angle rayslow behaviourlow blood pressurelow blood sugarlow bytelow carbon steellow coastlow deflectionlow density contaminantlow emission zonelow emission zoneslow energy consumption houselow energy consumption houseslow explosiveLow flying aircraft are a constant irritant to neighbouring residents.low foaminglow forestlow frequencieslow frequencyLow Germanlow groundlow groundslow hop cloverlow in allergenslow in calorieslow in fatlow in harmful substanceslow in oxygenlow in proteinlow in risklow in saltlow inclinationlow insertion force /LIF/ low levellow level attacklow level attackslow lifelow linelow lying flatlow meadowlow moralelow mountain rangelow necklinelow nobility/aristocracylow oblique photographlow oblique photographslow platformlow pointlow power requirementslow pressurelow pressure /l.p./low pressure switchlow pressure switcheslow pressure tirelow pressure tireslow pressure tyrelow pressure tyreslow pressure warning alarmlow pressure warning devicelow profile lift tablelow profile lift tableslow profile tirelow profile tireslow profile tyrelow profile tyreslow publow pubslow relieflow resistivelow section tirelow section tireslow section tyrelow section tyreslow self-esteemlow shoelow shoeslow side carlow side carslow spiritslow stratusLow SundayLow Tatraslow temperaturelow temperature carbonisation gaslow temperature carbonisation gaseslow temperature carbonization gaslow temperature carbonization gaseslow temperature circuit