Detailed translations for "lead suspect"

lead suspect

lead suspect(also: prime suspect, chief suspect)
Hauptverdächtige{masculine / feminine}
You've decided that the lead suspect in this investigation may be your father?
Du hast beschlossen, dass der Hauptverdächtige in dieser Ermittlung dein Vater sein könnte?
What if Ms. Barrett is our lead suspect because someone wants her to be?
Was, wenn Ms. Barrett unsere Hauptverdächtige ist, weil das jemand so wollte?
This place belongs to Curtis Horne our lead suspect in Daisy's disappearance.
In dem Haus da wohnt Curtis Horne. Unser Hauptverdächtiger im Fall der verschwundenen Daisy.
We say you're our lead suspect in the murder of Doug Newberg.
Sie sind unser Hauptverdächtiger im Mordfall Doug Newberg.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.