Detailed translations for "chief suspect"

chief suspect

chief suspect(also: prime suspect, lead suspect)
Hauptverdächtige{masculine / feminine}
But that's who Rebecca was engaged to before Alistair and the chief suspect of their murders.
Das ist der Mann, mit dem Rebecca vor Alistair verlobt war und der Hauptverdächtige bei den Morden.
so that he would become the chief suspect in this unfortunate affair.
so dass er der Hauptverdächtige in dieser unglückseligen Geschichte wurde.
Where your chief suspect is smack-dab in the middle of a CIA operation.
Wo dein Hauptverdächtiger in der Mitte einer CIA Operation steht.
He was also the chief suspect in similar incidents in Chicago and New York, which is where he was
Er war auch Hauptverdächtiger in einigen ähnlichen Vorfällen in Chicago und New York, wo er

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.