"manhattan" in German

"manhattan" German translation

Detailed translations for "manhattan"


1. geography, borough of New York City

I call it Manhattan City, So, finally this sperm reaches to Manhattan City...
Ich nenne sie Manhattan City, also schließlich landen die Spermien in Manhattan City...
A high-security detention center in Manhattan under special administrative measures.
Eine Hochsicherheitsstrafanstalt in Manhattan mit besonderen Verwaltungsmaßnahmen.

2. gastronomy, cocktail

der Manhattan{masculine}
Dr. Mark Powell, Chief of Clinical Psychiatry of the Manhattan Psychiatric Institute. Good.
Chef der klinischen Psychiatrie des Manhattan Psychiatric Institute.
There are more police here in Manhattan. More in Manhattan than there are U.S. Troops in
Es gibt mehr Polizisten in Manhattan als US-Soldaten in Afghanistan.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.