I am certain that many a woman Owes her virtue to your watchful eye.
Sicherlich verdankt so
manche ihre Tugend Ihrem wachsamen Auge.
But many a Pulitzer has sprung from the seeds of wild theories.
Aber so
manche wilde Theorie hat den Pulitzer Preis erhalten.
And many a man has sold his soul for those little crumbs.
Fûr die Krumen hat schon so
mancher seine Seele verkauft.
many a lonely hero awaits you.
einsam erharrt euch
mancher Held.
You may dismiss me, gentlemen, as a one-time runner of saloon whores, but I remember many a face in
Aber ich erinnere mich an
manches Gesicht in diesem Raum.
Oh, rosy mistress of the night. You have enchanted many a hunter's heart.
"Oh du entzückende Dame der Nacht, du hast so
manches Jägerherz verzaubert.