"milk" in German

"milk" German translation

Milk {m}

Detailed translations for "milk"


der Milk{masculine}
Supervisor Milk took to the grassy lawn at Duboce Park this afternoon to publicize the new law.
Stadtrat Milk stellte heute im Duboce-Park die neue Verordnung vor.
Let me just give you that. It's for Harvey Milk for supervisor, all right? He's running for the


die Milch{feminine}
Well, you have milk in the taters, milk in the gravy, parmesan crust.
Warum nicht? Naja, Milch an den Kartoffeln, Milch in der Sosse, Parmesankruste.
Looks like an eviction, the way it's boarded up. But they never ordered milk in any case.



to milk

to milk
Milch geben{intransitive verb}
She must be very generous of milk to fetch five pounds.
Sie muss aber viel Milch geben für 5 Taler.
- How much milk you produce per year?
Wie viel Milch geben die Kühe hier denn so?

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.