Detailed translations for "obsolete"


1. linguistics

And it will think with a power and a precision that will make obsolete many of the functions of the

2. other

What's worse, Betazed's own defense systems are obsolete and undermanned.
Die Verteidigungssysteme von Betazed sind veraltet und unterbesetzt.
$60 barrels of oil would be obsolete if that thing ever hit the mainstream.
$60 Barrels Öl würden veraltet sein, wenn dieses Ding jemals in Massenproduktion geht.
obsolete(also: ancient, stale, outmoded, outdated)
The merger isn't about a CD-ROM that might be obsolete in a year.
Die Fusion betrifft kein CD-ROM, das in einem Jahr überholt ist.
This isn't about some CD-ROM that'll be obsolete in a year.
Es geht nicht um CD-ROMs, die in einem Jahr überholt sind.
obsolete(also: outmoded, outdated, out-of-date)

English synonyms for "obsolete"

obsolete {s}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.