"official" in German

Detailed translations for "official"


1. adminstration

official(also: business ...)
I'm here in an official capacity, of course... in case of a medical emergency.
Ich bin natürlich dienstlich hier. Falls es einen medizinischen Notfall gibt.
It's official business and I must leave immediately.

2. other

die Amtsperson{feminine}
I wonder what elected official they were covering up for. - Lauder.
Ich frage mich, welche gewählte Amtsperson sie decken.
Mrs. Schlotterbeck, No public official would think thus.
Frau Schlotterbeck, eine Amtsperson denkt nicht.

English synonyms for "official"

official {n}
official {s}

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.