"pieces of paper" in German

Detailed translations for "pieces of paper"

pieces of paper

pieces of paper(also: notes, slips, slips of paper)
Stücke Papier{masculine plural}
pieces of paper(also: receipts, notes, slips, slips of paper)
Zettel{masculine plural}
I just like calling people "Hon" and drawing smiley faces on pieces of paper I give to them.
Weil ich alle "Schätzchen" nenne und Smileys auf Zettel zeichne und verteile.
As you can see, there are pieces of paper on each of your chairs with five questions on them.
Wie ihr sehen könnt, liegen Zettel auf euren Stühlen. Darauf stehen fünf Fragen.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.