"placebos" in German

"placebos" German translation

Detailed translations for "placebos"


placebos(also: inactive preparations)
Scheinmedikamente{masculine plural}
placebos(also: inactive preparations)
Leerpräparate{masculine plural}
placebos(also: inactive preparations)
Plazebos{masculine plural}
placebos(also: inactive preparations)
Placebos{masculine plural}
She switched around the placebos and the drugs, probably invalidating... my trial.
Sie hat die Placebos und die Medikamente vertauscht,... wahrscheinlich meine Studie ruiniert.
The placebos went to the county VA hospital and veterans clinics.
Die Placebos gingen an Kliniken für Kriegsveteranen.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.