Detailed translations for "premeditated"


1. general

premeditated(also: aforethought)
premeditated(also: aforethought)
premeditated(also: aforethought)

2. law

premeditated(also: wilful, willful, wilfully, willfully)
premeditated(also: wilful, willful)
premeditated(also: wilful, willful)
He may not idol-worship, commit adultery, or perform an act of premeditated murder.
Er darf nicht Götzen anbeten, Ehebruch begehen... oder vorsätzlich einen Mord verüben, Mr. Fisher.
There was nothing premeditated about Cyril's actions, nothing.
Es war nichts vorsätzlich an Cyrils Tat, nichts.

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.