Detailed translations for "punched"


punched(also: scuffed, boxed, sparred)
My favorite part was when the manager punched him- - Right in the stomach.
Das Beste war, als der Manager ihm... in den Bauch geboxt hat.
After Will punched three more holes in his trailer, he cried a little, then invited us in.
Nachdem Will drei weitere Löcher in seinen Wohnwagen geboxt hatte, weinte er ein bisschen. Dann bat
I'm listening to a guide explain how coins are made. How they're punched out of sheet metal.
Der Führer erklärte, wie Münzen aus Blech gestanzt werden.
punched(also: stamped out, blanked)
For fuck's sake, Gary, I just punched my wedding ring out of a robot's tummy.
Verdammt noch mal, Gary, ich habe gerade meinen Ehering ausgestanzt eines Roboters Bauch.
punched(also: hallmarked)
punched(also: hallmarked)
punched(also: stamped, hallmarked)
punched(also: pressed, fabricated)

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The German-English dictionary is based on translations by TU Chemnitz.